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时间:2022/09/06 16:22:11 编辑:


中国石化新闻网讯 据RZNews.com网站7月29日休斯敦报道,根据挪威著名独立能源咨询机构雷斯塔德能源公司(Rystad Energy)的分析,在今年上半年,在圭亚那的发现引领下,全球发现的常规石油和天然气资源量超过了45亿桶油当量,这是一个令人振奋的复苏。





? 圭亚那:埃克森美孚公司在斯塔布鲁克区块获得了三个重大发现,它们分别是Ranger油田、Pacora油田和Longtail油田,这三个油田共可拥有近10亿桶或更多的石油储量。

? 美国:在位于墨西哥湾深水区的诺夫利特(Norphlet)远景区获得了两个重要石油发现。雪佛龙公司在巴利莫尔远景构造上发现了一个有前景的石油远景区,而壳牌公司的多佛发现是该公司在该远景区中获得的第六个重要发现。

? 塞浦路斯:这个国家借助埃尼公司Calypso-1井获得的成功拥有迄今为止最大的海上发现。

? 磁带阿曼:阿曼石油开发公司宣布在马布鲁克东北远景构造上获得了一个巨大的天然气凝析油发皮裙现。

? 挪威:在挪威海,奥地利油气集团(OMV)和德国化工巨头巴斯夫麾下的油气子公司温特斯豪分别报告在Aasgard地区和Aasta Hansteen地区获得了石油发现。在北海,挪威阿克尔BP公司和挪威Equinor获得了另外两个石油发现。

雷斯塔德能源公司上游研究主管Espen Erlingsen在一份新闻稿中表示:“从2017年异常低的水平上升30%似乎令人鼓舞,但全球勘探和生产公司目前仍面临低储量替代率,平均不到10%。考虑到会长期对全球石油供应产生影响,这种低储量替代率状况令人担忧。”

李峻 编译自 RZNews.com


Global Discovered Resources Increase by 30%, Led by Guyana

Discovered resources globally of conventional oil and natural gas surpassed 4.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent in the first half of 2018, making for an exciting recovery with Guyana leading the way, according to analysis by Rystad Energy.

Average monthly discovered volumes YTD are 826 million barrels of oil equivalent. This is a 30 percent increase from 2017.

In 1H 2018, Guyana was the top country in terms of total discovered resources, followed by the United States, Cyprus, Oman and Norway. Combined, these five countries account for three-fourths of total resources discovered in 2018. Discoveries in Guyana, the United States and Cyprus are located in ultra-deepwater and owned 100 percent by oil majors. This is an indicator that oil majors have started to refocus on deepwater exploration.

Notable discoveries in each country this year include:

?Guyana: ExxonMobil made three major discoveries in the Stabroek block: Ranger, Pacora and Longtail, which together can hold almost one billion barrels of oil or more.

?United States: Two discoveries were made in the Norphlet play in deepwater Gulf of Mexico. Chevron discovered an oil play at the Ballymore prospect while Shell’s Dover discovery was the company’s sixth discovery in the play.

?Cyprus: This country had the biggest offshore discovery to date with Eni’s Calypso 1 well.

?Oman: Petroleum Development Oman announced a giant gas-condensate discovery at Mabrouk North East prospect.

?Norway: In the Norwegian Sea, OMV and Wintershall reported discoveries in the Aasgard and Aasta Hansteen area respectively. While in North Sea, Aker BP and Equinor made two other discoveries. <过滤棉/p>

“An uptick of 30 percent from the abnormally low levels in 2017 might seem encouraging, but E&P players are currently facing a low 被套reserve replacement ratio, on average of less than 10 percent,” Espen Erlingsen, head of upstream research at Rystad Energy, said in a release. “This is worrisome considering the impact on global oil supply in long term.”
